Toplens Hangzhou Inc.
Bldg 7/1F, 1197 Bin'an Road,
Binjiang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
310052 China
TEL:+86 571 8777 4064
FAX:+86 571 8777 4033
The general progress design is based on optical power in far view, plus down the aging degree of ADD. But office design is based on optical power in new view, minus the upward dynamic power. Dynamic power is adjusted based on the distance. Once the distance is determined, the software will automatically calculates the dynamic power required. Office design is mainly for IT engineers, ticket staff or people who require a large amount of reading and also need to occasionally use eyes within 4m range. Office design can also be used as an advanced “reading glasses”. Its difference from common reading glasses is to help people watch TV and other figures clearly within 4m range.