Toplens Hangzhou [中文]

Toplens Hangzhou Inc.
Bldg 7/1F, 1197 Bin'an Road,
Binjiang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
310052 China
TEL:+86 571 8777 4064
FAX:+86 571 8777 4033

Personalized Design



    According to aberration theory, the human eye vision is greatest impacted by oblique astigmatism. 

    Currently spherical single lens normally adopt best base curve design, using the best front curve with minimum oblique astigmatism. 

    In order to minimize oblique astigmatic, high curve best base has to be used for high diopter lens, resulting in overall thickness of lens. 

    However, Toplens aspheric design will be able to solve this defect of best base design. The front surface of the spectacle lens becomes flatter when aspheric design has a curvature with an increasing radius from the lens center to the edge. 


    Due to the fact that aspheric surface has different oblique astigmatism with spherical surface, oblique astigmatism of the other surface (spherical or aspheric) can be offset to a certain extent by rational design. 

    Therefore, Toplens aspheric design won't be limited by best base curve, achieving the same result of minimum oblique astigmatism to obtain flatter, thinner and more attractive lens. However unfortunately, aspheric design is not able to make oblique astigmatism correction and power error compensation simultaneously like Atoric design.


Copyright © 2015 Toplens Hangzhou 杭州奥普特光学有限公司